Social Calls, Distress Calls and Feeding Buzzes of European Bats
Updated: 2018-07-11, 11:30
The noise-reduced and re-synthesized file versions were created in Avisoft-SASLab Pro (blue download icon). Versions for playback in LunaLure UMP-1 and LunaLure UMP-2 devices (green download icons) or versions only for LunaLure UMP-2 devices (red download icons) were multiplied, noise reduced, normalized and resampled in Adobe Audition (with older 3.01 version). Losslessly compressed files for playback in LunaLure UMP-2 were created in Adobe Audition equipped with FLAC v1.2.1 plugin filter.
Note: original recordings which were done with Avisoft Bioacoustic recording equipment were recorded with 250 kHz sampling rates and are not compatible with LunaLure devices. In order to be compatible / playable with LunaLure devices they must be resampled to 384 kHz sampling rate. It can be also 192 kHz or even 96 kHz (and additionally 352.8, 176.4 or 88.2 kHz for UMP-2 device) but the frequency bandwidth of the bat calls should be less than a half of the final sampling rate of the file. In other words: minimal sampling rate for bat calls recordings should be at least twice of the maximal frequency of bat calls. For example : Rhinolophus hipposideros echolocations at ~110 kHz should be resampled to 384 kHz sampling rate (or also 352.8 kHz for UMP-2), because files with sampling rates eg. 192 kHz or lower have not enough bandwidth for 110 kHz signals.
For more info see the Nyquist frequency page.
Call Types : ‘S’ = social (advertizing) call , ‘D’ = distress call, ‘F’ = feeding buzz
Download the desired .wav or lossless compressed .flac files by right-clicking at the download / arrow icon and select the popup menu item “Save Link As…”
Other links recordings
Avisoft Bioacoustics bat sound recordings
ecoObs provides reference echolocation calls of various European bats